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Product Recommendation widgets are placed on page’s footer as default. To change their position on your site, please follow these steps. It will take 1-2 minute(s).

If you prefer the text rather than videos, please follow this 9-step instruction below.

Step 1:

On app’s dashboard, click to the “Edit” button.

Step 2:

Copy the placement code.

Step 3:

Go to Shopify admin dashboard >> Online store >> Themes >> Customize

Step 4:

Add a new section.

Step 5:

Choose the custom HTML section or the custom content if it not available.

Step 6:

Delete heading and all content in this section. And add a new custom html content.

(You can skip this step if you can choose custom HTML element in the previous step.)

Step 7:

On the editor window, copy the code (if you don’t earlier):


Paste into the HTML box.

Choose 100% container width.

And click to save

Step 8:

Drag & Drop the section you want to place the recommendation widget.

And click to save.

update photo Clipboard02-5.jpg

Step 9:

Check your widget appearance. It will shown on the right position: